
This is an ongoing list of some of my playable game projects online.

a-roguelike – project link

Yet unnamed JS roguelike project. A test bed for features that I’m working into a JS roguelike framework.

Status: playable, winnable, incomplete.

All That Is Lies Ahead – project link

My 2019 7DRL project, a roguelike simulator that only shows the player the message log.

Status: feature complete but ongoing.

Persistence of Memory – project link

My 2016 7DRL project, a roguelike where the only rooms that exist on the map are ones that the player can hold in their memory at a given time.

Status: winnable but a hot mess, multiple other projects came about as part of an engine overhaul for POM.

EIN – project link

Definitely not UNO. Definitely not a simulator that plays games of UNO with varying number of players. This is a separate game called EIN.

Status: feature complete, no longer in active development.

WAR – project link

Definitely the non-trademarked card game War. One of my first card game simulation projects, that others were eventually built off of.

Status: finished. War is a simple game so there’s not really much else to be done other than visual improvements.

clickgame – project link

A clicker/idle game. A simple proof of concept that I built over a couple nights.

Status: feature complete (I think), no longer in active development.

Nemopet – project link

A virtual pet game in the same vein as those eponymous little eggs I’ve loved for so long.

Status: incomplete but ongoing.

Unnamed Frogger knockoff – project link

A road-crossing game based loosely on Frogger written in JS for the Udacity Front End Nanodegree program.

Status: feature complete, no longer in active development.

Memento Mori – project link

A Memory game using emojis and CSS animations. Written for the Udacity Front End Nanodegree program.

Status: feature complete, no longer in active development.